JDayMinis, 1:48 & 1:12 Scale Minis, Laser Cut Designs too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Free Images, Floor Plan for Titania's Palace

Debbie from Tiny Treasures mentioned Sumaiya's new blog The Fantasy Forest, there are many inspirational photos for miniature projects. Great blog to visit if you haven't already.

Yesterday I noticed Sumaiya had recently posted information about Titania's Palace by Sir Nevile Wilkinson which that now resides in Denmark. Years ago I had purchased five books written by Sir Nevile Wilkinson, four of them were written to be educational but told in fairy stories with travel photos and photos of Titania's Palace. There were two floor plans in two of the books, for both levels of the Palace. Since they were printed in 1922 they are not under copyright so I thought I would share some of the images with you. I have enjoyed reproducing many fairy books in miniature and hope to do that with some of the pictures in these books some day. I used to read my mother's old children's books with fairy stories from the 1920's. They used to have the most wonderful illustrations that always helped me to believe in fairies.

The second illustration from the same book "Yvette in Italy and Titania's Palace" is called Queen Titania's Country Home, it looks just like a tree but Nevile knew better than that, lol.

In one of the books was an old newspaper clipping from Oct 27, 1967. It mentions that Titania's Palace built in 1907 sold at Christies art auction house for $85,500. Since that time it was moved to Denmark. A lovely friend visited Titania's Palace a few years ago and sent me some postcards and a new brochure from Denmark, I was so pleased! While going through my mother's clippings (they were really fun) I came across a wonderful dollhouse article written by Flora Gill Jacobs in 1968 for the Reader's Digest where she also described the auctioning of Titania's Palace at Christies, she mentioned it raised $100,000 for charity. Sir Nevile Wilkinson was a soldier, artist and a member of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters. You can enjoy more about Titania's Palace here http://www.egeskov.dk/en/node/377


  1. Thanks for sharing the print with us Jean and thanks for mentioning my blog.
    Mini Hugs

  2. Thanks for sharing this Jean.

    Titanias Palace was the first dolls house I ever saw when it was displayed in England...it is what started all of this so it holds a very dear place in my heart.

    There has been so little of it on the internet I am very pleased it is starting to be more noticed.

    I would LOVE to get hold of copies of those books.

  3. You are very welcome, always fun to see what you are doing. Debbie.

    Tallulah~Belle, That is so wonderful you have seen the original, what an impact that would be... I've been to the Thorne Rooms and Colleen Moore's Castle, those were very special. It would be nice if someone would republish his books.

    Mini Hugs, Jean

  4. It was wonderful Jean....to this day i remember so many tiny details.

    And I have to say...it is so much better than Colleen Moore's house.....d if I had seen the fairy Castle first I would never have imagined I would see anything better.

  5. I went to Egeskov this summer. On my blog you can see pictures I took there.


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