I have been feeling so guilty about not posting a new blog for so long!!! Thank you very much to those of you who have continued to follow my blog and leave me messages.
Thank you so much Lirael from Lirael Dreams blog.
http://liraeldreams.blogspot.com/ for this lovely Kreativ Blogger award, big mini hugs! Lirael has a gorgeous cat, Saphira and has made some lovely miniatures and written very interesting blogs.
Now that I'm finally typing a new blog and breathing a sigh of relief, I feel like I've been living on another planet, LOL. I had just planned on taking a few months away from our miniature business but when I did that it meant I wasn't on the computer at all and not able to read blogs! I missed everyone so much!
It was very healthy to have a break. I got out gardening and biking more in the sun. Replanted about five areas of our large yard, lovely to see everything growing and doing well. We planted a large vegetable garden too. Started doing more sewing and watercolours so it really felt like a break. The watercolour shown above is one I finished of
Nimmo Bay which I gave to our friends. Nimmo Bay is an amazing heli venture resort on the coast of B.C. which we had the pleasure of visiting this summer. We had a lovely summer and it was the first long break I had taken in years. My tremor which is called a familial tremor seemed to be getting worse and it was causing me quite a bit of stress. I cut out coffee completely and I feel back to normal, it is not too noticeable even to me now.
Back to the lovely award, there are rules involved!
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave messages on their blogs
1. I have been trying to be more environmental. Ordered clothes that are made of bamboo and organic fibers. Eating organic and getting most of our vegetable from our garden.
We have a heat pump instead of oil. We bought electric bikes so now I can't complain about biking greater distances, lol.
2. Started sewing again and making purses out of old block printed linen drapery samples my mom had saved, that went along with the environmentalism too.
3. I enjoy felting with my electric embellisher, used old wool sweaters I felted and embellished to to make bags and purses etc. Great to use old hand spun wools and roving left over from my weaving days.
4. Taking a couple of water colour courses. Although I was an art teacher each teacher has new techniques that can really help with my paintings. Really enjoying the classes.
5. My husband and I love line dancing, more like jazz dancing nowadays to modern music. We have been dancing three times a week for about sixteen years, really keeps us fit.
6. I love feeling passionate about what I'm working on. Excited when I was up during the night with a new idea.
7. Love people who are happy and excited about their life, it makes me feel so good too.
Post links to seven blogs I would like to nominate for the award.
Casa De Bonecas
Casa Victoria
Confessions of a Mini Addict
Dollhouse Diaries
Small Serendipities