JDayMinis, 1:48 & 1:12 Scale Minis, Laser Cut Designs too.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Free Printable Page and AIM 12 Makes of Christmas Link
AIM, Artisans in Miniature Magazine has a special 12 Makes of Christmas for miniaturists publication on Scribd. I contributed the gifts and wrap project and printable above. All of the projects in the 12 days are wonderful, you can view them here. http://artisansinminiature.com/photo3.html
Wishing all my friends and family and wonderful New Year!!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Happy Holidays! Joyous Noel White Christmas Digital Download Project
Such a busy time but I just wanted to share a digital download photo album project I have just put up in my Etsy shop. Here is a link if you would like to read more. I designed this photo album to accompany the my Joyous Noel White Christmas kit. The download contains 16 mini photos from my antique French postcards to place behind the cut out windows. Still time to make it as a gift for Christmas. Thanks for looking.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
New "Joyous Noel White Christmas" Kit & Ballroom Dancing
The days are shorter in winter and they do seem to go by so quickly with Christmas soon approaching soon. I'm sorry I haven't been visiting all the blogs I would love to visit. We are busy with my mini business and enjoying ballroom dancing...we even try to find the time to practice during the day. We are taking 3 classes from a terrific instructor during the week. I love all the dances and social contacts as well as the exercise but if we don't practice I feel overwhelmed with some of the moves. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I appreciate it so much and your comments.
In the photos above I am showing a new kit I have been working on for a while now. As most of you know I have collected antique French postcards for years from France and my favorites are the Noel ones, especially with Pere Noel & toys. They are such fabulous images and such a joy to repaint and fix up, I have spent hours doing this to the ones I sell as digital downloads on Etsy, I thought it would be enjoyable to use a few of the images in a miniature project kit. You can see Pere Noel with toys and children in the pillows, stockings and on the cones.
I have designed this kit on a fabric panel, where I have designed the pillows, cones, hearts and stockings in a paint program using snowflakes and scrolls as accents then ironed it onto very fine white batiste cotton. The edges don't fray so they are fun to cut out and easy to put together with the white bias tape I include for backings and the stars as well. Templates are used for the stars with directions on shaping these. Aluminum wire mesh is included for the trees and stars which are easy to make. Silver ribbon is shaped for the other 2 or 3 trees. Silver medallions are also included as accents.
The hearts and cones can also be used separates on a miniature Christmas tree or as a garland on a fireplace so this kit can be used very creatively. Everything is included in this kit except the wicker love seat and fire place. This would be a fun project for your miniature Christmas scene.
Mini Hugs, Jean
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
My Mother's Clippings, printables
My Mother’s Clippings
I’ve been organizing all of my containers of miniatures and
cupboards full of supplies. It brought to mind my mother’s enjoyment of
organizing her hobbies and how much she loved magazines. In one box I found a
clipping mom must have saved for me and I have scanned it out for you to see
above, cute ideas for Christmas from an old 50’s magazine.
I really inherited my love of old books and magazines from my mother. She would love to sit for hours surrounded by magazines, flipping through their pages and tearing out pages of interest to her: recipes, gardening, hobbies and health issues. She would be sitting in her favorite chair with her legs covered by a familiar mohair blanket that she had for years and a box beside her for the clippings. This was before computers, Google and Pinterest to search for information about everything. Keeping these clippings must have been like a life line to her so she could retrieve information whenever she needed it. She always mentioned she would have to file them one time. I used to tease her about keeping the magazines for so many years and wouldn’t she rather “clear the clutter”. She always said she wanted to go through them first. Although my comments were probably difficult for my mother she probably knew in her heart I would find myself doing that as well when I was older. Each of the magazines I have saved I can remember as though they were friends. Sometimes when I pick up an old magazine it reminds me of what I was doing at the time I bought it or looked through it. Perhaps my son had visited and I had to put it down so I could listen to him. So sometimes old magazines are not just old magazines but are a reminder of times in our lives. She was also very interested in embroidery and sewing so I’m sure many of the clippings were stepping stones to a creative endeavour in those areas.
I really inherited my love of old books and magazines from my mother. She would love to sit for hours surrounded by magazines, flipping through their pages and tearing out pages of interest to her: recipes, gardening, hobbies and health issues. She would be sitting in her favorite chair with her legs covered by a familiar mohair blanket that she had for years and a box beside her for the clippings. This was before computers, Google and Pinterest to search for information about everything. Keeping these clippings must have been like a life line to her so she could retrieve information whenever she needed it. She always mentioned she would have to file them one time. I used to tease her about keeping the magazines for so many years and wouldn’t she rather “clear the clutter”. She always said she wanted to go through them first. Although my comments were probably difficult for my mother she probably knew in her heart I would find myself doing that as well when I was older. Each of the magazines I have saved I can remember as though they were friends. Sometimes when I pick up an old magazine it reminds me of what I was doing at the time I bought it or looked through it. Perhaps my son had visited and I had to put it down so I could listen to him. So sometimes old magazines are not just old magazines but are a reminder of times in our lives. She was also very interested in embroidery and sewing so I’m sure many of the clippings were stepping stones to a creative endeavour in those areas.
After she died I didn’t throw out her clippings and old calendars but
I kept them and have really enjoyed going through them so much, a little bit of
mom is in each clipping. I was quite pleased to find miniature clippings too
about different famous miniature houses in museums and articles about making
houses using fabric. It was like she knew I would be looking through the boxes
some day and would enjoy finding these. Thanks mom so much for your symbols of
I really hope all magazines in the future won’t just be kept on an ireader,
iphone or ipad but remain physical memories that can be passed on to the next
All the best everyone, Hugs, Jean
Thursday, November 21, 2013
New Advent Calendar Kit and a biref History of the Advent Calendar
Friday, November 8, 2013
Wonders in Miniature Show online Nov. 8 & new Gingerbread House & kits & AIM magazine 48
Shelly Norris' Wonders in Miniature online show http://wondersinminiature.weebly.com/ starts today Nov 8 and goes until Monday. So many terrific dealers, I've had so much fun visiting each of them. The 3 Vintage Gingerbread Kits shown above, in 3 scales, I am selling as roundtable kits for $5.00 each during the show. We are also offering a selection of mini Christmas books from my originals and kits in 2 scales at 25% off during the show dates. I have had so much fun designing a few new kits for the show.
The upper photo is a new Gingerbread House and Accessories kit. Designing it reminded me so much of the fun I would have each Christmas making Gingerbread Houses and cookies for my sons, they really enjoyed devouring it too. This will last much longer and would look great on a mantle piece or under a tree. I have designed this kit and printed it onto a fabric panel with the Gingerbread House, Gingerbread and Star garlands and ribbons with gingerbread men. The fabric panel looks less shiny than the paper panel printed on laser that is also included with accessories. The fabric is very forgiving too and so easy to glue. These can also be used to decorate a Christmas tree. There is also a paper kit with wrapping papers suitable for wrapping gifts or rolling for display. Also included are 2 pieces of self sticking ribbon that can be striped into narrow strips and used to make bows and many lollypops and other accessories to add to the Gingerbread House scene. This kit is $9.00 during the sale.
I am also showing a new Christmas baby outfit kit for both a newborn and larger baby. These can be adapted to fit Heidi Ott dolls as well. You can also see the tiny doll I enjoyed designing I called Candy Kiss which is included in the Newborn Kit. You can find these in the sale page on the link through the sale banner on the top of our home page, they are $9.00 during the sale too.. http://jdayminis.com
In October we enjoyed a terrific Mediterranean Cruise and visited Aix en Provence, Florence, Rome, Venice, Greece and Turkey. We were going on tours each day from 6 in the morning until nearly 6 at night. It made me realize how much I missed waking up really early so I started waking at 5:30 each day since we have come home and designing. It has been so energizing and I seem to be getting so much more done. Aside from a cold I brought back I've been feeling very invigorated but I do feel like going to sleep much earlier and nearly fall asleep in ballroom dance classes in the evening. I hope to put up some photos from our trip soon.You can also find the wonderful and free new AIM magazine here http://www.scribd.com/doc/181358539/AIM-IMag-issue-48-pdf
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Too Connected, my apologies for the 20 or so blog posts I posted by mistake!!
Hi Everyone,
I would like to apologize to those of you who might have seen all of the blogs that I accidentally posted one day. It took me ages to find out why it happened. I've been enjoying designing in Polyvore and you can clip to Polyvore just like in Pinterest to make designs with the items you clip.
While designing in Polyvore that morning John noticed that certain clothing and jewelry items were going up in my Facebook page and I also found them in my Facebook business page as well. They took ages to delete and I immediately thought that they had come from the website where I had been saving them. I thought that there was something wrong with the website.
Later that evening I saw the images in my Rebelmouse site and wondered how on earth they got there. Then I looked at my blog and it was so embarrassing to realize each of the items I was saving was showing up as an individual blog.
It took me a while to figure everything out. The little box to share on the bottom of the page when you clip to Polyvore had finally started working!! I was to uncheck it to have items not be shared on my blog since I had shared previous blog posts related to miniatures. This is how it all worked.
1.I found items I wanted to use in Polyvore and clipped them to my Polyvore
2.Since I didn't have the share link clicked off, it posted each as a new blog post.
3.Because my blog is connected via Network blogs it posted each blog as a Facebook item in both my facebook accounts.
4. Since my blog is connected to Rebelmouse it put all the posts up there too.
5.Yikes, I just thought of my twitter account...haven't looked there yet. Oh my Goodness!!
I think I'm too connected, LOL. Not to people but to Social Networks.
All the very best to everyone. Hope I didn't offend too many followers.
Hugs, Jean
Update: Checked my twitter account and everything I posted on Polyvore and posted to Pinterest is showing up as a tweet!!! Sheee! Just deleted each of those and must get to the bottom of this connection too!
I would like to apologize to those of you who might have seen all of the blogs that I accidentally posted one day. It took me ages to find out why it happened. I've been enjoying designing in Polyvore and you can clip to Polyvore just like in Pinterest to make designs with the items you clip.
While designing in Polyvore that morning John noticed that certain clothing and jewelry items were going up in my Facebook page and I also found them in my Facebook business page as well. They took ages to delete and I immediately thought that they had come from the website where I had been saving them. I thought that there was something wrong with the website.
Later that evening I saw the images in my Rebelmouse site and wondered how on earth they got there. Then I looked at my blog and it was so embarrassing to realize each of the items I was saving was showing up as an individual blog.
It took me a while to figure everything out. The little box to share on the bottom of the page when you clip to Polyvore had finally started working!! I was to uncheck it to have items not be shared on my blog since I had shared previous blog posts related to miniatures. This is how it all worked.
1.I found items I wanted to use in Polyvore and clipped them to my Polyvore
2.Since I didn't have the share link clicked off, it posted each as a new blog post.
3.Because my blog is connected via Network blogs it posted each blog as a Facebook item in both my facebook accounts.
4. Since my blog is connected to Rebelmouse it put all the posts up there too.
5.Yikes, I just thought of my twitter account...haven't looked there yet. Oh my Goodness!!
I think I'm too connected, LOL. Not to people but to Social Networks.
All the very best to everyone. Hope I didn't offend too many followers.
Hugs, Jean
Update: Checked my twitter account and everything I posted on Polyvore and posted to Pinterest is showing up as a tweet!!! Sheee! Just deleted each of those and must get to the bottom of this connection too!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Thrilled to have a Project & Article in July Dollhouse Miniatures Magazine & Shelly's On Line Mini Miniature Show Aug. 14 to 20

I was delighted and honored to be included in a wonderful Miniature Bookmakers article by Deb Weissler in the July 2013 issue of Dollhouse Miniatures. I'm included with 7 other fabulous bookmakers. For this issue I worked on and included a free printable project of a reproduction shaped book from my collection called Your Dolly. It is a little difficult to cut out all of the shapes but I thought readers might enjoy it having it in their miniature library.
From August 14 -20 we are pleased to be taking part in Shelly's fabulous Mini Miniature Show. Shelly has been doing this for a number of years and there are so many fabulous handcrafted miniatures for sale. The beauty of the show is that it is on line so you can shop for sales in the comfort of your living room.
Here is a link to my show table where I am offering 25% off all of my fabric kits.
You click on the dealer link in the top of the page and a drop down menu appears of scales or an alphabetical list of dealers. There are Roundtables and Workshops too.
I hope you are all enjoying yourselves whatever you are doing. Hugs, Jean
Thursday, August 8, 2013
My French Country pastel Bedroom on Polyvore, I'd love to make this in miniature!
A Sweet Pastel Bedroom by jdayminis on Polyvore
I really think Polyvore is a great place to work out ideas for miniature scenes. The elements are not always cropped but they could be added to a sheet of ideas with colour swatches. They have lots of contests with so many themes for inspiration. Wonderful if you are thinking of decorating your own rooms for a new took as well. They do own the copyright for what you create however.
The theme for this room was a pastel bedroom. I love French Country style and have a board with over a thousand pins on Pinterest. (another of my addictions, LOL). My favorite look in French Country is all white but this contest was for pastels. You can also pin to Polyvore which is great.
I have always loved fashion and wanted to be a fashion designer in High School but the University offering this was too far away... I haven't regretted being an Art teacher and studying Fine Arts, but is is so wonderful to create fashion layout designs too.
I really think Polyvore is a great place to work out ideas for miniature scenes. The elements are not always cropped but they could be added to a sheet of ideas with colour swatches. They have lots of contests with so many themes for inspiration. Wonderful if you are thinking of decorating your own rooms for a new took as well. They do own the copyright for what you create however.
The theme for this room was a pastel bedroom. I love French Country style and have a board with over a thousand pins on Pinterest. (another of my addictions, LOL). My favorite look in French Country is all white but this contest was for pastels. You can also pin to Polyvore which is great.
I have always loved fashion and wanted to be a fashion designer in High School but the University offering this was too far away... I haven't regretted being an Art teacher and studying Fine Arts, but is is so wonderful to create fashion layout designs too.
Friday, August 2, 2013
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