I just wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful, inspiring miniature blogs!!! I have always heard that you should feed your interests to keep them alive and these blogs do just that! Blogging creates a great community for mini minded people as since we are able to leave messages. My wonderful new blog discoveries started with Heather of This Little Dollhouse blog
www.thislittledollhouse.blogspot.com after she mentioned her new finds on eBay in facebook. It was great to see all her treasures and discussion of her miniature interests. One link on her blog lead to another and another....
There are blogs that are just like a magazines but you get to read new pages more often!! One excellent example is Jody Raine's Mini Leaps and Bounds
http://minileapsandbounds.blogspot.com/ Jody's blog is filled with her own miniature adventures and wonderful articles about other blogs and miniature web sites or artisans she admires. So inspiring!!
I love French Country and decorate my full sized home in a Victorian/French romantic country style. I have enjoyed reproducing a few French books and would love to make a French Country scene in miniature. When I came across Linda
Carswell's Une Petite
Folie blog
http://une-petite-folie.blogspot.com/ I was in heaven. Everything in her blog is French Country and inspired by her love of Paris and everything French. She is making the most fantastic Petite Maison. Linda has taken inspirational photos and created her miniature home based on the details in the photos, absolutely beautiful. It will be so exciting to see the rest of the home develop, the photos of her first room look like a full size interior.
Mico miniatures have always been a passion of mine so I was really excited to find Nell
Corkin, I've loved her micro scenes for years.
http://nell-miniminis.blogspot.com She is taking her viewers through the process of making her amazing Tower House.
I'm always interested in environmentalism and was delighted with Pam's blog Small
Serendipities http://smallserendipities.blogspot.com/ , isn't that a great name! She has "do it yourself" home
recipes and she makes miniatures too, fantastic quarter scale sculptured pieces.
There is also my dear friend Michelle from Greece who does amazing
florals and needlework in her Little Rabbit Miniatures blog.
http://littlerabbitminiatures.blogspot.com/She has a really interesting video up right now about an experiment with cornstarch in water.
Michelle is such a great resource for embroidery ideas and projects.
Thank you also to Debbie at Tiny Treasures,
http://debbiestinytreasures.blogspot.com/for her lovely welcome to her blog. It is miniaturists like Debbie who really make looking at blogs feel like you are actually in their home or studio for a visit. Loved her chocolates and candles, still want to have a look at her older blogs. She has a fabulous Mini Web Links page blog you can access through a link on her profile.
You can see many of the blogs that I've been enjoying on the left side of my page, too many to mention everyone but always so much fun to spend time browsing there and see what is inspiring them at the moment or what they are creating. Blogs are so nourishing for the visual spirit! Thanks again everyone!!