JDayMinis, 1:48 & 1:12 Scale Minis, Laser Cut Designs too.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Saturday, December 4, 2021
1:12 Scale Roombox: Christmas Morning: The Girls
1:12 Scale Roombox, Christmas Morning: The Boys
Free Season's Greeting Printables, Christmas Gift Wrap, Boxes and Cards DIY
Here are some free printables for this season's gift wrapping. The last gift wrap I have offered before in AIM magazine and here, I thought I would offer them in red and green this year too. The top gift wrap I made up this year with gnomes, snowflakes and some bricks for a Santa scene. Just click on the images and right click to save them to your computer before printing. These can be printed in many scales, they are supposed to be 8.5 by 11 for 1:12 scale but I enjoyed using them while revamping my old Christmas room boxes in a smaller size too. If you can change your printer settings to 50% you get half scale papers and 25% you can print out quarter scale paper too. I will soon be posting my newest videos to see more ways I have used these papers. If you search for Free printables on my blog you can find some other gift wrap as well. On this page I show the above printable and directions as well. https://jdayminis.blogspot.com/2013/12/free-printable-page-and-aim-12-makes-of.html
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
A Mini Miniature Show starts today until Sunday, New Snowy Town Scene kit
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
New Quarter Scale Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus Shelf and Outfit Kits
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
It is the last two days of the Mini Miniature Show!! There are over 20 dealers and it is free on line. Lots of mini inspiration and temptations!! Hope you enjoy it. Mini Hugs, Jean

Thursday, October 7, 2021
Do you love Hawaii and the Caribbean like I do? I designed these new kits for a National Association Miniature online tropical Tiki Bar that many miniaturists are completing. These new Quarter Scale kits are now available at an Intro Price in our Etsy shop. https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/jdayminis Thank you so much for looking!
Mini Hugs,Jean
Thursday, September 9, 2021
49 Anniversary and 40 years selling minis
I can't believe John and I have been married 49 years today, it sounds so long but seems such a short time. Hard to believe what life would have been like without him. We have enjoyed miniatures together since he retired in 2006 and before that he would make me room boxes and houses in his spare time. We have had years filled with love and a happy family and friends.
Below are more photos of my new Halloween Baskets and Brooms.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
I have recently designed 4 new quarter scale kits for Autumn or Halloween that will be in Shelly's A Mini Miniatures Show that started yesterday. https://aminiminiatureshow.weebly.com/dealers.html You can find them in our Etsy shop with John's new micro Farmhouse at an intro price.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
A Mini Miniature Show starts tomorrow morning and new kits,.
A Mini Miniature Show starts tomorrow morning. I will have the kits above as Roundtables at and Intro price during the show. The first two photos are 1:12 scale, 5 layers and frames. The bottom kit is 1:48 scale. Hope to see you there. https://aminiminiatureshow.weebly.com/
Sunday, May 23, 2021
A Mini Miniature Show ends today!! Sorry I am so behind, many kits to show!
Oh my goodness, I can't believe how behind I am with posting on my blog. I guess the good thing is that I've really been busy designing and with various shows. The NAME online Calendar show as really fun as are the A Mini Miniature Show each month. It ends today. We have a few roundtables up with John's 4th shop in his town setting. https://aminiminiatureshow.weebly.com/dealers.html There are lots of really fun dealers, I've enjoyed looking at all the listings and buying a few things! Tomorrow NAME online Roundtables start on there CreateMiniatures.org website, https://create.miniatures.org/
All the kits shown above are available in our Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/jdayminis Many are still at their Into Price if you do a search. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather yesterday and walked for 1 1/2 hours around the waterfront out at Sidney, BC. Today we hope to walk around our waterfront in Oak Bay. So beautiful!
Thank you so much to those of you who have ordered lately, it is wonderful to be so busy and I've been inspired with so many new ideas. My most recent idea I put up yesterday in Etsy was the quarter scale sunflower kit in the top photo. They were so much fun to make and being laser cut on heavy yellow paper means that they are very sturdy for gluing and display.
Thank you so much for looking, Mini Hugs, Jean
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
A Mini Miniature Show starts Mar 17-21 Fun times! Online and Free. We are offering 5 new Roundtable Kits
https://aminiminiatureshow.weebly.com/ A Mini Miniature Show, a free online show, starts tomorrow and lasts until Marvh 21. Above you can see 4 of my new quarter scale kits and John's new micro scale barn, which would be so much fun with straw and tiny chickens. Hope to see you there.
Mini Hugs, Jean
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Photoshop Digital Scene tutorial with John's photos of his Micro Town
This was so much fun to work on yesterday. I created a digital scene with John's 3 photos of his micro 1:144 town. You can see the 3 photos together in the previous blog. For those of you who use Photoshop you might like to know how I did it. I opened a layer and added a scenic photo from Pixabay which is a great place to download images because they are copyright free. I enlarged the scene and moved it so that very little of the sky is showing and it was mostly a green landscape. I opened the 3 sets of photos John had taken of his micro town and turned their backgrounds transparent. Then I added the 3 transparent photos to the scene on their own layers. I moved the top photo down to look more realistic behind the 2nd photo. Using the clone tool I saved various images of the soil and added it to the background scene to make roadways for between the buildings and added them to the front to look more in scale, less rocky, more dusty looking. Then I went to each building layer and added shrub looking plants from the cloned background and a mossy look with transparencies in front of the buildings . The horses were downloaded from Pixabay as well. I created transparencies, cropped them and applied styles and adjustment layers to change the colour and added inner shadows. then placed them between the second and third layers. Fun moving them here and there to see what was the best fit. It was interesting to extend the railroad and add dust here and there too. Thanks for looking, Mini Hugs, Jean. .
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
A Mini Miniature Show starts tomorrow with New Kits and Workshops
I hope you are all staying healthy and doing well in these very difficult times!
Last week I finally had my hair cut after a year and it is part white now, Ombre, LOL. It seemed like a good time to grow out the white. Maybe I will start acting more mature and show my age, perhaps be more wise, I can always hope!
There are 4 new quarter scale kits from January too, that I have not shown. 2 new French Frame kits, a French folding screen and French Fireplace scree that matches the folding screen are all of Etsy now too.
A Mini Miniature Show starts Feb. 17 until Feb. 21, these shows are always so much fun with lots of dealers offering fabulous minis. https://aminiminiatureshow.weebly.com/ starts tomorrow.
John and I will both be offering the Mega Roundtable. Mine is the Quarter Scale French Canopy Bed and John has designed a Micro, 1:144 scale Farmhouse, the first in his Series of an 1800's Town which is very exciting! You can see the other buildings he has designed in the middle photo.
Stay safe and all the very best!